Our Story and Mission
MDM2 capitalizes on existing assets to accelerate equitable regional economic growth in the manufacturing of medical devices that are increasingly smart, digital and driven by emerging technologies.
Shaped to suit the distinct goals of the MDM2 initiative, our governance model serves as a blueprint, evolving in tandem with the Consortium.
By incorporating an equity lens into place-based economic development, MDM2 aims to enable access to wealth generation opportunities across the greater Phoenix community.
In November 2023, the GPEC-led consortium was awarded a Strategy Development Grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to enhance local coordination and planning efforts for a technology-based regional economic development strategy.
Various challenges have highlighted domestic vulnerabilities — an aging population, high rates of chronic disease and inadequate public health and medical technology infrastructure — which have led to significant disruptions in work, local economies and international supply chains, with ongoing economic and national security implications. Concurrently, there has been notable growth in telehealth and the wider use of medical devices, which can increase access to high-quality care and promote more equitable health outcomes. However, the U.S. lacks the advanced manufacturing capacity to fully leverage these advancements in medical devices for broader use.
Collaborative decision-making within the Consortium is grounded in a shared vision and a foundation of trust. Members collectively work towards common goals, guided by a cohesive vision that emphasizes regional innovation and equitable economic development.
Decisions within the Consortium prioritize shared decision-making, transparency, accountability and collaboration. This ensures that all members are involved and informed, fostering collective awareness and understanding. This approach is grounded in trust, guiding members towards common goals of regional innovation and equitable economic development.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
The Consortium is committed to embedding DEIA principles across all activities. This commitment ensures that DEIA considerations are central to decision-making processes and initiatives. By prioritizing DEIA values, MDM2 aims to create an environment where all community members feel valued, represented and empowered.
LISC is leading community engagement, particularly in historically underserved and underinvested communities to convene stakeholders and amplify the voices of residents to create workforce plans around types of training needed for future jobs, training partners, addressing barriers to access, whether financial, geographic, or personal and equitable place-based economic development.